- 1 hour mentorship call/month
- Art critiques & draw overs
- Discord Access
- 2 x 1 hour calls/month
- Art critiques & draw overs
- Discord Access
- 1 hour mentorship call weekly
- Art critiques & draw overs
- Discord Access
Who am I?
Hi, my name is Kristian. I’m a guy that likes to draw, travel, and talk to people.
I’ve spent most of my professional life working for other people helping them build of their brands / businesses. I’ve also spent a lot of time talking to people about their careers, and studying how to draw.
I also host a podcast called the Sketchy Van Podcast on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. In it I drive around the U.S. in a cargo van that I lived in full time interviewing interesting people about how they got their start.
What you’ll get
1-2 hour zoom call per month
Access to me on Discord
General art critiques and draw overs
Art coaching, and assignments
Marshall Vandruff, Art Teacher / Illustrator
If you seek mentorship for a career in the entertainment arts, Kristian is as connected to and knowledgeable about the profession as any young person I know. He’s also generous with his wisdom.
Put him to use!
Rembert Montald, Concept Artist / Illustrator
Kristian has a gift for recognizing potential in people. He sees your potential before you do. But the most important trait he possess is empathy and willingness to listen. And those are rare traits to find these days.
Scott Flanders, Art Teacher / Concept Artist
Kristian thinks differently. He consistently asks the right questions. He has a way of helping to bring out the brave side of his friends and peers. Kristian has been a good influence on my life and career.